Conservation Advisory Council 110 Bracken Road Montgomery, NY 12549
Fourth Tuesday of the Month 6:30PM Walden Village Hall (2nd Floor)
Hudsonia Educational info
OCMPF Educational info
Hudson Basin River Watch Guidance Document- helping to coordinate monitoring of freshwater wadeable rivers throughout the watershed
Shawangunk Ridge Biodiversity Partnership (SRBP)Lecture Series for January-March 2013 From February 7-28, the Shawangunk Ridge Biodiversity Partnership (SRBP) will present a free public lecture series, Secrets of the Shawangunks – Predation and Migration, providing information on the role of predator and migratory species in promoting biodiversity on the ridge.
The lectures, which will take place on Thursday evenings at SUNY New Paltz, are open to the public and free of charge. Cancellations due to winter weather will be announced on many area radio stations. For more information, visit
These lectures are co-sponsored by the SUNY New Paltz Biology Department, and will take place at the SUNY New Paltz Lecture Center, Room 102. For directions and a campus map, see No parking permit is required if you park after 6:30 p.m.