Conservation Advisory Council 110 Bracken Road Montgomery, NY 12549
Fourth Tuesday of the Month 6:30PM Walden Village Hall (2nd Floor)
The Town of Montgomery Conservation Advisory Council (CAC) received a grant from the Hudson River Estuary Program and Hudsonia, Ltd. to work on a proposal to create a Critical Environmental Area in the Town based on information and recommendations in the updated Natural Resources Inventory of 2020 and the Town Comprehensive Plan of 2021. The CEA team representing both Town and Village of Walden participants has been meeting monthly since June with Hudsonia biologist, Gretchen Stevens to consider the most important areas that merit protection. It was decided to focus on two major aquifers as delineated by the Orange County Water Authority- the Tin Brook Valley Aquifer and the Beaverdam Brook Aquifer- which feed the wellfields of municipal and public school wells and include other important resources of meadows, forests, wetlands, streams and floodplains.
The following documents explain in detail what the CAC will be doing with the grant they received:
Tin Brook on Brown's Farm
Coldenham Rd feeder
Arch Bridge Walden East line north of Rte 52 E
Rte 52 near Valley Ave
Harts Lane and Browns Rd
Breached dam north of Rte 52 East opposite Amthors
Coldenham Rd feeder near power lines
Hill St Bridge
Wooster Grove