Conservation Advisory Council 110 Bracken Road Montgomery, NY 12549
Fourth Tuesday of the Month 6:30PM Walden Village Hall (2nd Floor)
The Townships of Wallkill and Montgomery in northern Orange County contain diverse natural features and resources, including many streams, wetlands, and water bodies, varied topography and scenic views, forest and woodlands, a variety of animal and plant habitats, and numerous species of plants and animals of conservation concern. This Natural Resources Inventory (NRI) is designed to provide baseline information for planning and local decision making processes including site plan review, SEQRA review, and evaluation of conservation easements. The NRI contains existing general information; field verification will be necessary on specific parcels. Additional significant natural resources may be present on any site within the two towns; additional field surveys may be required to more accurately describe resources on a site by site basis.
The NRI was compiled with the assistance and support of members of the Town of Montgomery Conservation Advisory Council and the Town of Wallkill Commission for Conservation of the Environment. The NRI was updated in 2020 to make a more usable document with updated maps for our community.
Updated NRI Maps for the Town of Montgomery (2018) - Provided with support from Orange County GIS.
UPDATED! 2020 Natural Resource Inventory - The file is very large and must be downloaded before you can view it. It includes the previous maps. You may get a message like " Sorry, we are unable to scan this file for viruses". There are no viruses associated with this file.
Town of Montgomery Habitat Summary (2018)
This is the final version of the Habitat Summary that Laura drafted for the Town of Montgomery to use in conservation and land-use planning. Click the links below to view each or click here to see all 4 files:
Habitat Summary Prepared for the Town of Montgomery
Figure 1: Regional Context of Montgomery, Orange County, NY
Figure 2: Ecological Features in the Town of Montgomery, Orange County
Figure 3: Forests in the Town of Montgomery, Orange County
OCWA Natural Resources Inventory